Laptop Loaner Program - Wright Library

Delayed Opening: February 12, 2025

Due to impending weather conditions, Princeton Theological Seminary will open at 10 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Public Safety

Laptop Loaner Program


Wright Library’s laptop loaner program is meant to enhance researchers’ endeavors while in the library. Devices can connect to the wireless network to access scholarly databases and other Internet resources, as well as software typical of Seminary lab computers. Users are financially responsible for devices and peripherals they borrow.

General Terms

  • Any patron who has an active borrowing privilege from Wright Library may borrow one device at a time.
  • Mac and Windows laptops are available.
  • Laptops are for use in the library only and are not to leave the building.
  • The loan period is six (6) hours with up to one (1) renewal, which must be done in-person at the Circulation Desk on the first floor, and must be returned one half hour before library closing. Laptops cannot be borrowed overnight.
  • Laptops are loaned on a first-come first-served basis during library hours. They may not be reserved in advance.
  • However, users may place a hold if all devices are currently in use.

Late Fee

  • $5.00 for each 15 minutes late.
  • $100.00 maximum late fee

Damage/Replacement Cost

  • Final damage or replacement cost will be determined by IT Services with a maximum replacement value of $2,500.00

User Responsibilities

  • Users are responsible for any equipment lost, damaged or stolen.
  • Equipment will be checked upon return to ensure there is no damage.
  • Personal software may not be loaded at any time.
  • Users must save their work prior to return; all data will be removed once returned.
  • Users are subject to the Seminary’s Computer Use Policy as defined in the Seminary Handbook.