Princeton Seminary Borrowers - Wright Library

Delayed Opening: February 12, 2025

Due to impending weather conditions, Princeton Theological Seminary will open at 10 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Public Safety

Princeton Seminary Borrowers

How to borrow

To borrow physical library materials from Wright Library, present your Seminary Identification card at the Circulation Desk on the main (first) floor.

Wright Library building directory (PDF) Borrowing from local libraries

Alumni and others

The Seminary’s Public Safety Department ( provides cards to current Princeton Theological Seminary students, faculty, and staff, and can also grant cards to Alumni, adjunct and Emeritus Faculty, spouses, and formally designated Visiting Scholars.

Alumni Borrowing Privileges

Loan periods and checkout limits

Patron TypeCheckout LimitBook Loan Period (non-book item loan periods differ*)
Princeton Seminary Faculty & Ph.D. Students 250Academic Year (6/30/__)
Princeton Seminary Adjunct Faculty250Term of employment
Princeton Seminary Masters Students, Alumni, Staff, Trustees, Visiting Faculty, Visiting Scholars* 5028 days
Princeton Seminary Spouses528 days

* For individuals applying for Visiting Scholar status, that application process is through the Office of the President.

Loan Periods for Other Formats

Recall Privileges

Princeton Theological Seminary faculty, students, staff, and CTI scholars may recall an item from another borrower online using the Request/Recall button in the item’s library catalog record or Summon search result.


Course Reserves

Location and Description

Wright Library catalog and discovery


To request a desk reserve item, bring the call number to the Circulation Desk.

Generally, one reserve item at a time can be borrowed for 2 hours or 6 hours depending on its designation and must be used in the library. Two reserve items may be checked out overnight if borrowed within two hours of closing time. They will be due within one hour of the library’s opening the following day and must be returned directly to the Circulation Desk if the library is open. The book drop can be used when the library is closed.

Location and Description


e-Reserves are e-books, e-articles, or scanned portions of books or journals added to each course’s Brightspace page.


e-Reserves available through Brightspace are password protected and are to be used only by enrolled students in connection with the course for which the materials have been assigned. These materials must not be copied or distributed for other purposes except as permitted under copyright law.

As a general rule, the Library will not scan chapters or articles that are already accessible from e-books or e-journals through the Library’s holdings. Scanned material will need to conform to Fair Use copyright guidance (

If you cannot locate a required reserve item in the catalog or Brightspace, please email with the following info included: course name, instructor name, and a detailed description of the missing item(s).

Borrowing from local libraries

Princeton University has an online application for Princeton University Library cards. Any Princeton Seminary students or faculty are welcome to apply using the application in the link below.

Applicants will receive an email when their card is ready to be picked up. Cards can be picked up at the Access Services desk Firestone Library, Monday–Sunday 9am–7pm. Please bring a photo ID with you when you pick up your card. 

All library card applications (new, renewal and lost card replacement) require valid personal identification and proof of eligibility.

Access and Circulation Services