Permission to Publish - Wright Library

Delayed Opening: February 12, 2025

Due to impending weather conditions, Princeton Theological Seminary will open at 10 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Public Safety

Permission to Publish

NOTE: You will be required to submit a signed copy of this request in order to obtain permission to publish. You may sign and submit a copy in person, or download the form, sign it and either mail or bring it to Special Collections.


Subject to the following conditions, I/we request permission to reproduce for publication photographs or images of textual materials, or to quote from manuscript materials in the collections of Wright Library:

  • Citation of images: The following is the acceptable citation for each image:
    Title of Work
    Author or Artist (if known)
    Special Collections, Wright Library, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Citation of manuscript materials: The following is the acceptable citation for manuscript materials:
    Title of Collection
    Special Collections, Wright Library, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Permission for use: Permission is granted for one-time use only. Photographic materials or other images may not be reused without written permission of Special Collections, Wright Library, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Collection copies: The publisher agrees to send to Special Collections, Wright Library, Princeton Theological Seminary, one copy of the publication(s) containing the text or image(s) used. In the case of motion pictures, slide shows, videos, websites or any other such work, the publisher will send a copy of such work or still photographs or photocopies of the title frame, frames showing images from Special Collections, and the frame showing picture credits.
  • Fees: A minimum donation to Princeton Theological Seminary, a non-profit organization, of $25 per image is suggested. There is no charge for publishing quotes or excerpts from manuscript collections.
  • Submission of forms: Permission to publish is contingent upon receipt of this form and applicable fees.
  • Quitclaim: Princeton Theological Seminary makes only a quitclaim license of such copyright as we actually possess in the material provided under this agreement. Princeton Theological Seminary does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the copyright of the material. Princeton Theological Seminary provides no warranty against the infringement of any third-party copyright.