General Collections - Wright Library

General Collections


Wright Library’s General Collections include these seven collections: the Circulating Collection, a collection of Latin American periodicals, Microforms, the Periodical Collection (journals), the Reference Collection, the Reigner Collection, and the Reserve Collection.

Circulating Collection

Books that circulate from the general collection may be borrowed and renewed (checked out) unless requested by another patron. Patrons are expected to locate the books they need and must bring them to the Circulation Desk to be checked out.

The arrangement of books in the library is available online and on building directories posted throughout the library. Staff members at the Reference and Circulation Desks are also available to provide assistance in locating materials.

Search the Circulating Collection Access and Circulation Services Self-service features (Library News)

Latin American Periodicals

Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI) 2000–2001 mentor and the Henry Luce Professor of Ecumenics and Mission Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary, Luis N. Rivera-Pagán, extols the Library’s “serious engagement to house and preserve a rich and diverse Latin American ecclesiastical and theological bibliographical collection.”

Latin American Periodicals


Before libraries were able to present printed materials online, many were made into microfiche and/or microfilms (known together as microforms). As the name indicates, microforms are small scans of printed materials viewable with magnifying equipment.

Although many microform materials are now available online, some are not. All 32,000+ microforms at Wright Library are discoverable in Summon and shelved on the 2nd Floor near a microform reader/scanner.

Microforms at Wright Library

Periodical Collection (Journals)

Periodical Collection

Reference Collection

Research guides — including Biblical StudiesHistory & EcumenicsPractical TheologyReligion & Society, and Theology — are available for the reference collection.

Comprised of nearly 10,000 volumes, the reference collection contains general tools frequently consulted in theological study: dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, almanacs, atlases, and handbooks. It features a broad array of bibliographical resources, including indexing tools, union lists, catalogs of specialized libraries, and national, trade, and subject bibliographies. Increasing the richness and value of the collection is the inclusion of primary texts essential to the Christian tradition and a core collection of Biblical commentaries. Included as well are certain texts which are so comprehensive in their treatment of a subject and so well indexed that they function as reference tools.

Reference books do not circulate and, if taken outside the Reference Reading Room, must be returned to the reference re-shelving cart.

Charles G. Reigner Collection

Charles G. Reigner Collection

Reserve Collection

Course Reserves are library books set aside for specific courses. 

More about course reserves

Note: E-reserves, articles and e-books set aside by instructors for specific courses can be found on the LMS (Brightspace) site for your course.