Events from January 21 – February 4 – Page 39 – Princeton Theological Seminary

Sacred Texts + Modern Conversations: Women, Violence, and Power


This short course is designed to further enrich biblical interpretation skills — specifically the work of engaging difficult texts — and bring that learning into how women as leaders address equally challenging modern contexts. In the synchronous online sessions, participants will come together to study a series of biblical passages that many refer to as […]


Sacred Texts + Modern Conversations: Women, Violence, and Power


This short course is designed to further enrich biblical interpretation skills — specifically the work of engaging difficult texts — and bring that learning into how women as leaders address equally challenging modern contexts. In the synchronous online sessions, participants will come together to study a series of biblical passages that many refer to as […]


A Day in the Life of a Seminarian: Meet with current students and learn about their educational journey at Princeton Seminary


Are you considering applying to Princeton Theological Seminary and wondering what day-to-day life is like for students? The Admissions Team invites you to join us for a conversation with current students as they share their stories regarding the discernment process, classes, community, and other aspects of life at PTS. Thank you for your interest in […]