Departments - Princeton Theological Seminary


Bibles and prayer books in PTSEM chapel

Biblical Studies

The Bible feeds the moral imagination of the church, and the Biblical Studies Department is dedicated to training students to serve as biblically informed.

History books

History & Ecumenics

The study of the history of Christianity is an integrative, interdisciplinary program. It encompasses social, theological, institutional, and cultural history.

PTSEM Practical Theology Department professors

Practical Theology

The Department of Practical Theology prepares Christian leaders to serve with intelligence and integrity in ministries that span from congregation to classroom.

PTSEM Religion and Society meeting

Religion & Society

Religion touches nearly every aspect of contemporary society and public life. It impacts issues of race and gender, social ethics, literature, and political.

Cross in Miller chapel


Theological study and research at Princeton Seminary is rigorous in scholarship and rooted in the faith of the church.

Farminary Group photo 2024


The Farminary Project at Princeton Seminary integrates theological education with small-scale regenerative agriculture.