Interlibrary Loan
Borrow library resources beyond Wright Library and Princeton University Library
What is interlibrary loan?
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is designed to support patrons in their research by making supplemental resources outside Wright Library’s and the Princeton University Library’s collections available.
ILL is not intended to provide access to:
- Course reserve materials,
- Other required texts for Seminary courses, or
- Material from Wright Library and/or Princeton University Library.
Authorized borrowers may complete the form below to request materials from other libraries. Please make a reasonable effort to locate desired materials at Wright Library and Princeton University Library before placing an ILL request. Use the DOI lookup tool to check for full text articles at Wright Library; remember that there is also a large print journal collection in the library and at Princeton University Library.
Note: It often takes up to 10 days from the date a request is placed to get materials via interlibrary loan.
Interlibrary Loan Request FormWright Library Full-Text Journal Article Lookup

LibKey powers the DOI lookup and is also available as a downloadable browser extension.
Policies and Procedures
- Interlibrary loan is designed to make supplemental resources for research available to Princeton Seminary students, faculty and staff, as well as CTI scholars, Visiting Scholars and OMSC Global Partners.
- Borrowed books do not circulate. Borrowers must pick up all books at the Circulation Desk, use them in the library, and return them to the Circulation Desk.
- If the borrower needs many items, they should arrange to visit the libraries where those materials are held. The reference librarian reserves the right to limit the number of requests honored for a particular borrower, in accordance with accepted interlibrary loan practice.
- A borrower should not request materials that Princeton Theological Seminary owns unless they have been officially designated as missing. Books already checked out to another borrower must be recalled.
- A borrower should not request materials that Princeton University owns.
- Course Reserves or other required texts for classes should not be requested via interlibrary loan.
- Use the ILL Request Form to make a request. Borrowers may bring questions to a member of the reference staff during regular service hours or via email.
- Books are borrowed at no charge to the borrower.