Free Access
While Wright Library provides access to licensed content for Princeton Seminary student, faculty, staff and alumni, we are also pleased to offer an array of freely available resources to all researchers.
Digital Collections @ Princeton Theological Seminary

Other Freely Accessible Resources
Wright Library also maintains a useful list of current, freely available online resources that may be of use to alumni and others.
This list includes web directories, Biblical studies material, religious image databases, online texts, Presbyterian Church (USA) ordination exam archives, statistical and data resources, worship and preaching resources, theses, catalogs of research libraries, and bibliographies as well as the Karl Barth Resource Guide, published by The Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Freely Available Online ResourcesFor a shorter list, try the open access resources in the Databases A-Z List, including HathiTrust and Princeton University’s Index of Medieval Art.
Open access resources in the Databases A-Z ListLibrary Tutorials
Wright Library’s tutorials are designed to enhance your library experience.
TutorialsPrinceton Seminary Audio and Video Recordings
Lectures, Sermons and Other RecordingsLibKey Nomad
Download the LibKey Nomad browser extension and select Free Open Access Version from the organization list.
Download the LibKey Nomad browser extension (free)Now when you come across articles online, LibKey Nomad will direct you to open access versions where available.
Princeton Seminary students, faculty, staff and alumni have additional options.