LibKey Nomad and Lean Library - Wright Library

LibKey Nomad and Lean Library


The free (to you) LibKey Nomad and Lean Library browser extensions increase your capacity for seamless access to valuable research from Wright Library, even when you’re not on the library’s website.

LibKey Nomad

LibKey gets you to full text articles when you need it, even when you’re away from the library. LibKey has been integrated with Summon, EBSCOhost, ProQuest and Google Scholar and also has a DOI search tool you can use.

The LibKey Nomad browser extension makes access to Wright Library content even more convenient.

Download LibKey Nomad for your browser and select Princeton Theological Seminary as your organization. Further recommendations

Download LibKey Nomad

Try it out and tell us what you think.

Lean Library

Lean Library’s browser extension provides authorized users quick and simple access to online content purchased by Wright Library. It is similar to LibKey Nomad, but can connect you to e-books as well as articles.

Download Lean Library, select Princeton Theological Seminary as your library (in the extension Settings), and it will automatically detect when you are on a website that contains library-provided content.

Download Lean Library

Review Technology from Sage’s privacy policy.

Our thanks to the students who helped test this service.

Additional features

Using Zotero (or anything else) to manage your citations?

Lean Library Cite allows you to easily obtain citations for the materials you are studying. While researching with the extension, if you encounter a pop-up related to the article you are viewing, it will contain a “Get Citation” button. Click that button, select your preferred citation style, and then click the Copy Citation button and paste the citation into your favorite citation manager.

More about Lean Library Cite

Select and search text from the web

You can also select text out on the web, right-click and select “Search Wright Library Holdings” to run a search for that text in Summon.

Further recommendations

For Everyone

Install LibKey Nomad in your browser and select Free Open Access Version (instead of Princeton Theological Seminary).

With this “organization” selected, LibKey Nomad will only direct you to open access versions of articles, instead of trying to connect you with licensed copies.

For Alumni

Where the library provides access to an item through multiple databases, these extensions can only point to one of them. If that one database happens to be one that alumni do not have access to, you may be turned away.

Install LibKey Nomad in your browser and select Princeton Theological Seminary as your organization.

If you get turned away from accessing the full text of an article (because it happens to be available to current students but not alumni), you have a couple of options. We encourage you to use both!

Option 1

Open LibKey Nomad by clicking the green flame icon in the browser navigation and select Free Open Access Version (instead of Princeton Theological Seminary). With this “organization” selected, LibKey Nomad will only direct you to open access versions of articles, instead of trying to connect you with licensed copies.

Option 2

Look up the title of the journal in the Online Journals Portal (or, if you prefer BrowZine, look it up there and click on the See All link at the bottom of the list of years) and see if there’s coverage in a database that is available to alumni. Databases for alumni are listed on the Alumni Access page.