New Faculty Book: Innovating for Love
November 17, 2022 | Library News

by Kenda Creasy Dean has been cataloged – BV601.9 .D43 2022 – and added to the collection.
Summary from the publisher: “Author Kenda Creasy Dean writes that starting with why is the wrong place for Christian ministry to begin. Human decision-making starts in a different place. “Starting with why” assumes a rational relationship between human cognition and human action: if we understand someone’s purpose, we will be persuaded to join them. What we do, writes Dean – buy an iPhone, join a cause, come to church, choose a side – has more to do with what we feel than what we think. Our model – and indeed, our power-source – for such a compassion-driven, grace-drenched version of humanity is Jesus. Our vocation always involves becoming more profoundly human, becoming more like Jesus, divinely wired and earthly-born, made from mud but bound for heaven, one with God and one with all the world. We are not called to build better churches. We are called to be better humans who reflect God’s love.
This book argues Christians must enact a distinctive approach to social innovation. In short, we are called to participate in God’s dream, rather than invoke God’s blessing for our own. the task of Christian social innovators is the task Christ offers to every believer: to unbind one another as we stumble out of our tombs toward the new life Christ offers. We are not called to build a better church. We are called to go and tell about Who is doing a “new thing.” God becomes human, death becomes life – it doesn’t get any more innovative than that. The Bible both begins and ends with stories of God innovating, and records God delight in it.
Not since the Reformation, writes Creasy Dean, has so much energy gone into discerning what it looks like to be Christ’s body in the world. If you leave these pages feeling a little bolder, a little lighter, a little more ready to risk making your life look more like Jesus’ – you are already innovating, redeeming the wreckage for the next leg of your journey toward God.”
Image description: Photo of the book displayed on a library bookshelf