New Faculty Book: African American Readings of Paul - Princeton Theological Seminary
African American readings of Paul : reception, resistance, and transformation


Prof. Lisa M. Bowens

is now available in the library collection.

Call Number: BV4208.U6 B69 2020
ISBN: 9780802876768
Publication Date: 2020-10-01

“In the first book of its kind, Lisa Bowens takes a historical, theological, and biblical approach to explore interpretations of Paul within African American communities over the past few centuries. She surveys a wealth of primary sources from the early 1700s to the mid-twentieth century, including sermons, conversion stories, slave petitions, and autobiographies of ex-slaves, many of which introduce readers to previously unknown names in the history of New Testament interpretation.”

African American Readings Bowens
Book cover: African American readings of Paul : reception, resistance, and transformation by Lisa M. Bowens

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