Exhibit in Special Collections celebrates women’s history - Princeton Theological Seminary

Women at Princeton Theological Seminary: Herstory includes items from and about women’s participation in theological work and the church, including the first translation of the Bible by a woman, Julia Smith. From there, explore the involvement and training of women here at Princeton Theological Seminary.

View this exhibition in Special Collections and Archives at Wright Library (hours by appointment).

Image description: photo of part of this exhibit in a rectangular display case with 3 shelves; portraits of Betsey Stockton, Muriel Van Orden Jennings and A. Jane Molden are prominent

Women at PTS IMG 9697 web
photo of the rectangular display case with 3 shelves described here, portraits of Betsey Stockton, Muriel Van Orden Jennings and A. Jane Molden are prominent

Request an appointment to visit the exhibit

Women’s History Month | Curated Bibliography