Bonhoeffer’s Luther Bible
December 2, 2022 | Library News

Earlier this year, Brian Shetler, Head of Special Collections and Archives and Ryan MacLean, MDiv/MACEF Year 3 at Princeton Theological Seminary co-authored an article in Lutheran Quarterly about a very special Bible in the Wright Library collection.
It is a two-volume 1934 facsimile of Martin Luther’s German Bible from 1534 dedicated to Dietrich Bonhoeffer by his students and colleagues at a clandestine seminary in Germany in the mid-1930s.
“…The gift, to ‘our dear Brother Bonhoeffer,’ was given in honor of Bonhoeffer’s thirty-first birthday during the fourth course of study at Finkenwalde.”
The Bible is on display in the Special Collections reading room until the end of January. Special Collections and Archives Hours
Shetler, Brian and Ryan MacLean. 2022. “Bonhoeffer’s Luther Bible.” Lutheran Quarterly 36 (3): 322-331. (open access PDF)
Wright Library subscribes to Lutheran Quarterly online via the Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS and in print.
Lutheran Quarterly (e-journal)