Events from September 18, 2024 – September 22, 2024 – Page 17 – Princeton Theological Seminary

Center for Asian American Christianity with Dr. David Chao


The Center for Asian American Christianity (CAAC) advances research and scholarship pertaining to Asian American Christianity through its events and publications, offers innovative conferences with leading practitioners and scholars from […]

The Future of Church Property: Evolving with Integrity

Online & In-Person 64 Mercer St, Princeton, United States

This seminar for pastors and congregational leaders is focused on church property — when to stay, when to shift, and most importantly, how to make those decisions with integrity and a justice lens. The two-day program is designed for both virtual and in-person participation. It includes two plenary sessions and a customizable workshop schedule in […]


Building for the Future

The Farminary 4200 Princeton Pike, Princeton, NJ, United States

Lindsay Baker believes that buildings are storytellers and that they have a lot to say in the world. Join her and hear a story about possible futures in our midst, […]

Let’s Dance! Organ Music for Hearts and Feet and Voices

The Seminary Chapel, Princeton Theological Seminary 64 Mercer St., Princeton, NJ, United States

The Joe R. Engle Organ Concert will feature a wide range of repertoire linked to dance, from the sarabande and jig to the tango and cancan. This is not a concert for the ears alone!