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PhD Candidate | History & Ecumenics (Religion in the Americas)
Stephen is a PhD Candidate in the Department of History and Ecumenics at Princeton Theological Seminary, specializing in “Religion in the Americas.” Stephen was born in Costa Rica and grew up in Argentina, where he returned after graduating from university in the United States. He is writing his dissertation on Protestantism, Catholic Nationalism, and political history in Argentina in the 20th century. Stephen is the recipient of the Louisville Doctoral Fellowship and is the Jackson Scholar for Latin American Studies (BSIR Baylor University). As a native Spanish speaker, he is an active translator of various books, essays, and chapters in edited volumes. In 2023, he translated Pope Francis’s book, I Am Asking in the Name of God (Penguin Random House, 2023). Stephen holds a BA in Theological Studies from the University of Valley Forge and an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary. He has also completed coursework in the Sociology of Culture program at the Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina.
Dissertation Topic
Protestant Resistance and Catholic Nationalism in Argentina in the 1930-40s
Select Publications
From Sucre to Santo Domingo (1972-1992)
I am asking in the Name of God: For a Future of Hope by Pope Francis. New York: Penguin Random House, 2023.
Embracing Life and Cultivating Hope: The Ecological Dimension of Liberation Theology by Luis Martínez Andrade in World Christianity and Ecological Theologies. Eds. Raimundo C. Barreto Jr., Graham McGeoch, and Wanderley Pereira de Rosa. Fortress Press, 2024.
Review of Gospel in Latin America: Historical Studies in Evangelicalism and the Global South by David Bebbington for the Journal of World Christianity (2024) 14 (1): 134–135.