Profiles Archive - Princeton Theological Seminary

Profile Directory

Todd Cioffi

Todd Cioffi

Associate Professor in the Ministry Leadership Department

Tessie Castillo

Tessie Castillo

Co-Author and Editor of 'Inside: Voices from Death Row'

Rev. Dr. Sarah Jobe

Sarah Jobe

Co-Director of Prison Studies

Mark J Edwards

Mark J Edwards

Lecturer in Religion at Princeton University

Lyle May

Lyle C. May

Ohio State University and Adams State University alum

Johhny Perez left prison just over a year ago, after serving 13 years for robbery. Today he works as a mental health reenty counselor and is working toward a degree in criminal justice. The people making criminal justice policy have no experience with the system, he says. He's fighting to change that. Photo by @AllegraAbramo #legacyofincarceration#prisonlens#CUNYjschool #nycityphotowire

Johnny Perez

Director of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture

Douglas Campbell

Douglas Campbell

Professor of New Testament

Chris Boesel

Chris Boesel

Associate Professor