Soojin Chung, PhD - Princeton Theological Seminary

Weather-Related Closure

Due to the impending winter storm, Wright Library will be closed on Sunday, January 19. The library parking lot will also be closed in advance of the winter storm. Please contact Public Safety with any questions or concerns.

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Soojin Chung

Director of the Overseas Ministries Study Center

Soojin Chung is Director of the Overseas Ministries Study Center and Editor of the International Bulletin of Mission Research at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is the convener of the Princeton World Christianity Conference Gerald H. Anderson Lectures and teaches in the Department of History and Ecumenics.

She previously served as Associate Professor in the School of Theology and Director of General Education under the Office of the Provost at Azusa Pacific University. She was the principal investigator of the Hispanic Serving Institution Grant funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and Vocation Academy Grant funded by the Council of Independent Colleges and Lilly Endowment.

Chung is the author of Adopting for God: The Mission to Change America through Transnational Adoption (New York University Press, 2021) and has published articles and book chapters in various journals and edited volumes. Her current book project explores racism, ethnocentrism, and xenophobia in world Christianity.

She is on the American Society of Missiology Board of Directors and the Editorial Board for the Journal of Faith in the Academic Profession and William B. Eerdmans Publishing’s history collection. She received her B.A. from the University of Virginia, M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. in World Christianity from Boston University. From 2017–2018, she was a Visiting Scholar at the UC Berkeley Department of Ethnic Studies.

Curriculum Vitae