Samuel Davidson - Princeton Theological Seminary

Samuel Davidson

Samuel Davidson PhD Candidate

PhD Candidate | Theology (Systematic Theology)

A PhD candidate in Systematic Theology, Samuel Davidson graduated with his B.A. in Religion from Baylor University and his M.Div. from George W. Truett Theological Seminary, before earning an MTh by Research (with Distinction) at the University of Edinburgh. His dissertation engages current ecology, biology, and psychology, and proposes a constructive ecological theology of the church. In conversation with contemporary cosmic Christologies and Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ecclesiology, the project proposes that the nature and boundaries of the church should be seen as extending beyond the human to include the ecological communities of which human beings are a part. Beyond and related to the dissertation, he is also interested in the doctrine of creation, regenerative agriculture, questions of Baptist identity, and setting the phenomenology of psychological suffering in theological perspective. He currently lives in Waco, TX, where he is an adjunct lecturer at Truett Theological Seminary and is attempting to turn his family’s small city lot into a suburban microfarm and experiment in regenerative land use.


  • Deep Ecclesiology: An Ecological Recalibration of the Doctrine of the Church


Select Publications

  • “Sleep Science and the Limits of Creaturely Life: On Bonhoeffer and a Theology of Bodily Responsibility,” Pro Ecclesia 32:1 (2023, in Press)
  • “Toward a Baptist Theology of Creation: Thinking in Place with Willie James Jennings and Baptist Ecclesiology,” Journal of European Baptist Studies 22:2 (2022, in Press)
  • “Mens Curva In Se: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Critique of Idealism and a Theological Redescription of Psychology,” Perspectives in Religious Studies 49:3 (2022)

Curriculum Vitae