Kwabena Sarfo-Panin - Princeton Theological Seminary

Kwabena Sarfo-Panin

Kwabena Panin

PhD Candidate | Religion & Society

Kwabena Sarfo-Panin is a PhD candidate in the Religion and Society department. He holds a BA in Religion from Earlham College and a Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. At Princeton Seminary, Kwabena studies both ‘African Indigenous Religions’ and ‘African Literature,’ asking how the latter informs, expands and challenges our understandings of the former. His dissertation examines the theory of social change outlined in the work of novelist and essayist, Ayi Kwei Armah.

‘Broken Things Grow Whole Again: Mapping The Role of Myth in Ayi Kwei Armah’s Social Vision’

Mark Taylor (Chair)
Keri Day
Greg Thomas (Tufts)