Emily Dumler-Winckler | Rian Lecturer

Emily Dumler-Winckler, 2025 Rian Lecturer
Emily Dumler-Winckler is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Constructive Theology and co-director of the CREST (Culture, Religion, Ethics, Science, and Technology) Research Center at Saint Louis University. Her first book Modern Virtue: Mary Wollstonecraft and a Tradition of Dissent (Oxford University Press, 2022) examines Wollstonecraft’s religion and theology in light of the Revolution debates of the 1790s to intervene in historical and contemporary debates about virtues, rights, democracy, feminism, social change, resistance, and revolution. Her second book examines the role of the imitation of Christ tradition in antebellum abolition movements in America within the global context. She holds three degrees from PTS: an MDiv (2007), ThM (2009), PhD (2015). Her spouse, Travis Winckler, is the pastor of Second Presbyterian Church in Saint Louis, where they live with their two children.
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