Claudia Alvarez - Princeton Theological Seminary

Claudia Alvarez

Claudia Alvarez, PhD Student

PhD Candidate | Religion & Society

Short Bio:

Claudia Alvarez was born in Colombia. She holds degrees in Sociology and Feminist and Gender Studies from the Universidad Nacional in Colombia, as well as a Master of Divinity from Boston University School of Theology. Before moving to the U.S., Claudia held teaching positions at higher education institutions and was actively involved in reproductive justice and LGBTQ advocacy. She is particularly interested in how lived theologies articulate strategies for social transformation on behalf of women and queer people in the Global South. Her PhD project seeks to analyze how LGBTQ-affirming Pentecostal churches are queering the Pentecostal movement in Latin America, applying the lenses of World Christianity, new religious movements (NRM), decolonial critiques of secularism, queer ecclesiologies, and the intersection of Pentecostal and Liberation theologies.

Curriculum Vitae