Chelsea Yarborough - Princeton Theological Seminary

Chelsea Yarborough

Rev. Dr. Chelsea Brooke Yarborough

Workshop Leader | Princeton Theological Seminary

Rev. Dr. Chelsea Brooke Yarborough is a daughter, friend, sister, aunt, and partner. She is the Associate Director of Leadership Programming at the Association of Theological Schools. Yarborough earned her B.A. from Elon University (2012), her M.Div. from Wake Forest University School of Divinity (2015), and her Ph.D. in Religion from Vanderbilt University (2021), with a focus on Homiletics and Liturgics. Dr. Yarborough is an active member of the Academy of Homiletics, the North American Academy of Liturgy, and the American Academy of Religion.

Her research reimagines preaching and worship by exploring the methodologies that emerge from the rhetorical and ritual practices of Black women throughout history. Dr. Yarborough’s work seeks to challenge normative power structures and traditional paradigms of proclamation, advocating for diverse platforms beyond the pulpit to amplify the voices of preachers. At her core, she is dedicated to empowering individuals—regardless of their platform—to find, embrace, and use their voices to foster well-being and inclusivity, particularly for historically marginalized communities.