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The Seminary maintains an Emergency Operations Guide which provides the community with information on the steps they can take in response to a variety of emergencies such as a campus lockdown, severe weather incident, active shooter incident and many more . We urge all PTS community members to take a few moments and review the information provided so you can be better prepared should such an incident occur. The guide can be accessed on line at: Emergency-Guide-2017_final.pdf.
In addition to our Emergency Operations Guide, we have a bomb threat check list that is available to educate and guide anyone who may receive such a call. The check list is available at: Bomb Threat Call Report.
Please see our Fire Safety and Crime Prevention Education Library for additional emergency preparedness information.
The Seminary would like to inform you of an important safety measure that has been implemented, specifically in Stuart Hall. In our ongoing commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our community, we have recently installed emergency door lock devices in all classroom spaces within Stuart Hall.
The device used on campus for this purpose is the NIGHTLOCK Door Security Device, designed to provide a quick and effective means of securing classroom doors during emergency situations. This precautionary measure has been put in place to prepare for potential scenarios where it becomes necessary to lock doors from within the classroom.
In the event of an emergency, such as a lockdown or other safety concern, the Seminary will send a text alert to all faculty members, instructing them to take refuge in place. To secure your classroom space using the NIGHTLOCK device is easy, follow these simple steps:
The Seminary has a campus emergency notification system (PTS Emergency Alert System) that allows for immediate mass notifications to students and employees through a variety of means including email, phone, splash screens on PTS owned computers, and/or text message of any immediate threat to campus safety. All PTS email accounts are preloaded into the system. In order to ensure the receipt of emergency messages on your mobile device (text or voice) community members must ensure their information in the system is up to date by going to: Update Emergency Alert Contact Information.
The Seminary has deployed several Emergency Emergency Phones campus wide in to facilitate the communities ability to quickly contact Public Safety. In addition to the emergency phones ,AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) are carried in our Public Safety patrol cars as well as prepositioned on campus to facilitate emergency medical treatment. AEDs are located on main Campus at MacKay Lobby, Stuart Hall 2nd Floor, Library 1st Floor, Erdman Center Lobby, and at CRW in the fitness center. Maps of the locations of our Emergency Phones and AED can be located at
Emergency Phones/AED locations (Main Campus)
CRW emergency Phones 2022.pdf (CRW)
Students may designate a confidential contact person to be notified if they are determined to be missing. This contact will be registered confidentially and is accessible only by authorized campus officials and law enforcement for the sole use of a missing person investigation. This voluntary election may be accessed and updated at any time via the link at Missing Student Contact.
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