Campus Building Hours/Lost and Found - Princeton Theological Seminary

Delayed Opening: February 12, 2025

Due to impending weather conditions, Princeton Theological Seminary will open at 10 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Public Safety

Academic and Administrative Buildings

Adams HouseExterior doors unlocked 8am-6pm, Monday – Friday
AdministrationExterior doors unlocked 8am-6pm, Monday – Friday
ChapelExterior front door unlocked 6am-12am (midnight), Monday – Sunday
Lenox HouseCLOSED
Wright LibraryMain entrance doors close 30 minutes prior to closing time. For operating hours see
Scheide HallExterior front door unlocked 8am-6pm, Monday – Friday

Staff with offices in the building have 24X7 card access

Students will have card access 8am-12pm to the practice rooms

Staff with offices in the building have 24X7 card access
Stuart HallExterior doors unlocked 8am-6pm. Card access until 8:45pm. (Building closes at 9pm), Monday – Friday

Side ramp door has extended hours for students until 6am-10:45p daily for access to the student lounge
TempletonExterior front doors unlocked 8a-6p. Monday – Friday

PTS community will have 24×7 card access so they can access Public Safety and the computer lounge

Faculty Office Areas

Alexander HallCard access 24×7

Staff with offices in the building have 24X7 card access

All Faculty will have card access 8am-6pm Monday – Friday

Students will have card access only 8a-6p Monday – Friday
Carriage HouseCard access 24×7

Staff with offices in the building have 24X7 card access

All Faculty will have card access 8am-6pm Monday – Friday

Students will have card access only 8a-6p Monday – Friday
HodgeCard access 24×7

Staff with offices in the building have 24X7 card access

All Faculty will have card access 8am-6pm Monday – Friday

Students will have card access only 8a-6p Monday – Friday

Student Residential and Recreational Areas

All residence hallsLocked/card access only 24×7 for occupants of the particular residence Hall

All students will have card access to exterior doors (not individual apartments or rooms) for community hours to all 8am-10pm, Monday – Sunday
Student Lounges (CRW) Card access beginning at 6:00am- 11pm, Monday – Sunday (All Students and family members)
Fitness Rooms (CRW)Card access beginning at 5:00am- 11pm (Students Only), Monday – Sunday (All PTS Community Members)
Student Lounge (Mackay)Card access beginning at 6:00am- 11pm, Monday – Sunday (All Students and family members)
Commuter Lounge (Stuart Hall)Card access beginning at 6:00am- 11pm, Monday – Sunday (All Students and family members)

Campus Lost & Found

The Seminary’s central lost and found repository is located at the Public Safety Communications Center located in the lower level of Templeton Hall (Room LL9) under the supervision of the PTS Public Safety team. The Public Safety Communications Center is open 24 hours. To make an general inquiry about lost and found items you can also email or call us at 609-477-7777.

Certain buildings, such as the Library, Erdman Center, and the Chapel also maintain lost and found (for lost articles of clothing, etc.), so it is a good idea to retrace your steps and check the location where you think you may have lost your property. Valuable items should be transferred from these satellite lost and found locations to the Public Safety Communications Center as quickly as possible so that they can be properly inventoried and secured.

Unclaimed articles of clothing and most other lost items will be donated/disposed of after 120 days. Items of value will be kept for one (1) year before being reported to the State of New Jersey as unclaimed property.