2025 Reverend Alexander Thompson, D.D. Memorial Lecture
Theron Room, Theodore Sedgwick Wright Library 64 Mercer StDr. Laura Nasrallah will present Speaking of Tongues: 1 Corinthians, an Amulet, and the Poetry of M. NourbeSe Philip.
Dr. Laura Nasrallah will present Speaking of Tongues: 1 Corinthians, an Amulet, and the Poetry of M. NourbeSe Philip.
Have you collected seeds from your garden? Or do you have excess commercial seed from the last several years? Bring them! No seeds? Come anyway! All are welcome to take […]
Assistant Professor of Preaching, Kimberly Wagner helps preachers offer a word of hope amid the disorientation of trauma.
A Sacred Storm wrestles with the contention that Hip-hop emerged during the late 1970s and early 1980s on the fringe of urban decay as a prophetic response to the death-dealing effects of Ronald Reagan’s voodoo economics. Amid seismic shifts within the urban landscape, young prophetic voices began to arise outside of the reach of the church disrupting the status quo.
Examine mental health challenges in theological perspective, exploring themes of community, healing, and meaning-making. Participants will explore the overarching relationship between mental health, theology, and psychology, addressing therapy and faith.
Assistant Professor of Preaching, Kimberly Wagner helps preachers offer a word of hope amid the disorientation of trauma.
Assistant Professor of Preaching, Kimberly Wagner helps preachers offer a word of hope amid the disorientation of trauma.
The Power of Money Stories: Unlocking Donor Motivations Description We all have a story about money. That story drives every decision we make and every opinion we have about money. Learn what’s underneath your donor’s decision about how much to give, to whom, and when so you can become part of their story. Led by Erin […]