Fall Term Hours
Wright Library 25 Library Place, Princeton, NJ, United States8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
Martin Leckebusch is one of the most represented hymnists in our seminary chapel's hymnals. Come to this informal gathering to sing his lyrics and to converse with the poet. Tabletops […]
9am-5pm (no entry after 4:30pm)
2pm-9pm (no entry after 8:30pm)
8am-9pm (no entry after 8:30pm)
8am-9pm (no entry after 8:30pm)
8am-9pm (no entry after 8:30pm)
Go Tell Somebody: Gospel Music, Black Liberation, and the Politics of Freedom in the Soul and Hip-Hop Eras
8am-9pm (no entry after 8:30pm)
The MTE program forms leaders for service by immersing participants in a community of embodied theological reflection. Join us for this virtual event with Dr. Nate Stucky, the Director of the Farminary Project, who will share the story of how the Farminary came to be, how the project has led to the launch of a new degree, and the courses, events, and initiatives taking place.