Past Events from January 26 – February 4 – Princeton Theological Seminary

From Palms to Passion: a liturgical choral concert

The Princeton Seminary Chapel Choir will usher in Holy Week with this liturgical concert. Hymns and choral works, running the gamut from renaissance to modern gospel, will trace Christ’s path […]

Thinking Politically with Kierkegaard

Widely known as the father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard approached the Christian faith as a calling worthy of a person’s entire life: Christian identity is something to be continuously chosen and authentically lived into, not passively assumed within Christendom. This seminar will be a politically-inflected introduction to Kierkegaard’s thought, as we examine selections of Kierkegaard’s […]


Thinking Politically with Kierkegaard

Widely known as the father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard approached the Christian faith as a calling worthy of a person’s entire life: Christian identity is something to be continuously chosen and authentically lived into, not passively assumed within Christendom. This seminar will be a politically-inflected introduction to Kierkegaard’s thought, as we examine selections of Kierkegaard’s […]


Thinking Politically with Kierkegaard

Widely known as the father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard approached the Christian faith as a calling worthy of a person’s entire life: Christian identity is something to be continuously chosen and authentically lived into, not passively assumed within Christendom. This seminar will be a politically-inflected introduction to Kierkegaard’s thought, as we examine selections of Kierkegaard’s […]


Thinking Politically with Kierkegaard

Widely known as the father of existentialism, Søren Kierkegaard approached the Christian faith as a calling worthy of a person’s entire life: Christian identity is something to be continuously chosen and authentically lived into, not passively assumed within Christendom. This seminar will be a politically-inflected introduction to Kierkegaard’s thought, as we examine selections of Kierkegaard’s […]
