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Director, Center for Barth Studies
Short Bio:
Kaitlyn Dugan is the Director of the Center for Barth Studies, which involves managing the daily operations, programs, and conferences of the center as well as curating, preserving, maintaining, and developing Princeton Theological Seminary’s Barth Special Research Collection. She is grant co-author for the $300,000 Scholarly Editions and Scholarly Translations grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to the Karl Barth Translator’s Seminar in 2019. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and political science from Taylor University, a Master of Arts in theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and received her PhD in systematic theology from the University of Aberdeen in June 2022. Her dissertation research focuses on developing a constructive theological account of death informed by Pauline apocalyptic theology and is titled “The Enduring Enemy: Towards An Apocalyptic Theology of Death.” She is currently working towards publishing her dissertation. Kaitlyn is a member of St. James Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in Harlem, New York City.