Alumni Resources: Finding God In experiences of natural disaster and violence - Princeton Theological Seminary

Assistant Professor of Preaching, Kimberly Wagner offers resources to alums

Where is God to be found in experiences of natural disaster and violence? In Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma, Assistant Professor of Preaching, Kimberly Wagner helps preachers offer a word of hope amid the disorientation of trauma.

Dr. Wagner is offering four sessions of online office hours for those seeking conversation about these topics.  Times being offered are noted below. Click your preferred date to register. Space is limited.

As an alum of Princeton Seminary, you have access to an extensive selection of licensed resources through The Wright Library. If you’ve never used this service or have not done so in a while, learn how alumni can access these resources here. If you have trouble logging in, email us at and we will direct your inquiry to the people who can assist you.

Suggested Resources

Kimberly Wagner, Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma, Westminster John Knox Press, 2023. The digital version of this book is available, at no cost, to alumni through your library access.

Kimberly Wagner, “Leading and preaching in the storm: (Re)locating ourselves faithfully amid trauma and chaos,” Presbyterian Outlook, November 5, 2024,

Podcast Interview, Kimberly Wagner, “Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma,” Leading Ideas Podcast, The Lewis Center for Church Leadership, February 13, 2024

The BTS Center, This organization is focused on Climate Conscious ministry, preaching, and chaplaincy. There is an abundance of resources on the site, including a 5-series podcast.

Pamela R. McCarroll, “Ecoanxiety, Climate Trauma, and Habits Toward Hope,”The Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health, and Disability 4 no. 1, Spring 2024