Profiles Archive - Page 8 of 11 - Princeton Theological Seminary

Weather-Related Closure

Due to the impending winter storm, Wright Library will be closed on Sunday, January 19. The library parking lot will also be closed in advance of the winter storm. Please contact Public Safety with any questions or concerns.

Public Safety

Profile Directory

Kobena Ebo Edumadze Quainoo

Kobena Ebo Edumadze Quainoo

PhD Student | Biblical Studies

Kevin Vollrath

PhD Candidate | Religion & Society

Ken Miyagi PhD Student

Ken Miyagi

PhD Student | History & Ecumenics (Religion in the Americas)

Katarina von Kühn

PhD Student | Theology, Ethics, and Politics

Kaitlynn Merckling PhD Student

Kaitlynn Merckling

PhD Student | Biblical Studies (New Testament)

Joseph Luigs

Joseph Luigs

PhD Student | New Testament

Jess Winderweedle

Jess Winderweedle

PhD Candidate | Practical Theology (Homiletics)

James Klotz PhD Candidate

James Steven Klotz

PhD Candidate | Biblical Studies (Old Testament)

Jalen Baker PhD Student

Jalen Baker

PhD Student | Religion in the Americas

J.Y. Lee

PhD Student | Religion and Society