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Princeton Seminary hosted many events over the 2018-19 academic year for learning and conversation about the historical audit report.
This Academic Conference hosted by Princeton Theological Seminary probed several open questions raised by such study of institutional history and examined Princeton Theological Seminary’s unique context with the conversation as an institution of theological education.
Panel Discussion withJody Lynn Allen, PhD, Assistant Professor of History at William & MaryAdam Rothman, PhD, Professor of History at Georgetown UniversityMartha Sandweiss, PhD, Founder and Project Director of the Princeton & Slavery ProjectMark Lewis Taylor, PhD, Professor of Theology and Culture
Speaker: Luke Powery, Dean of Duke University Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics, Duke Divinity School
Speaker: Darnell Moore, writer-in-residence at the Center on African American Religion, Sexual Politics and Social Justice at Columbia University and author of No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black & Free in America
James Forbes, Senior Minister Emeritus of Riverside Church delivered a lecture with a reception that followed in the Main Lounge of Mackay Campus Center.
Bishop Yvette Flunder, Founder and Senior Pastor of Refuge United Church of Christ, delivered a lecture in Miller Chapel in honor of Dr. Prathia Wynn Hall, who held three degrees from Princeton Seminary and was an activist in the Civil Rights Movement, a leader in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, a womanist theologian, social ethics professor, and one of the first women ordained in the American Baptist Association.
Discussion with the Rev. Dr. Samuel Reeves, ’02 DMin, ’97 MDiv, pastor of Providence Baptist Church, Liberia
History: Princeton Seminary and SlaveryPanel Discussion with Dr. Keri Day, Archivist Ken Henke, Dr. Gordon Mikoski, Dr. Jim Moorhead, Rev. Kermit Moss
Legacy: Race and Theological EducationThe Geddes W. Hanson LectureDr. Willie Jennings, Yale Divinity SchoolLearn More