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The 2016 Stone Lectures, held at Princeton Seminary on October 3-6, addressed the theme: “Martin Luther, the 95 Theses and Church Unity after 500 Years.” Follow the links below for videos of each lecture.
Lecture I: “Indulgences and the Development of a Medieval Practice” (Thönissen)
Lecture II: “Martin Luther’s Disputation Clarifying the Power of Indulgences (the 95 Theses) As an Ecumenical Document?” (Wengert)
Lecture III: “Martin Luther’s Letters to Pope Leo X (1518, 1520) As Experiments in Ecumenical Conversation” (Wengert)
Lecture IV: “Reflecting on From Conflict to Communion and the Healing of Memories” (Thönissen)
Lecture V: “Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Together” (Thönissen and Wengert) A mini choral concert featuring the Princeton Seminary Singers under the direction of Martin Tel, director of music, preceded the lecture.