Rev. Kerri N. Allen Joins Princeton Seminary as Deputy to the President
January 9, 2024 | Featured, Public, Releases & Statements

Princeton Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Kerri N. Allen as Deputy to the President.
Rev. Allen comes to Princeton Seminary having previously served as the Vice President of Mission and Spiritual Care for Aurora Health. She is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Rev. Allen’s career in ministry began as a Lilly Pastoral Resident at Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago and led to hospital chaplaincy and clinical ethics. Her development included overseeing spiritual care and chaplain services, as well as providing clinical and organizational ethics support across 14 hospitals and 150 ambulatory clinics across Wisconsin.
Rev. Allen’s continued service to the Presbyterian Church (USA) includes acting as the chair of the Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee (MRTI), moderator for the Disparities Experienced by Black Women and Girls Task Force, and a member of the Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice. Before stepping into the world of ministry Rev. Allen worked as a legislative assistant for then-United States Senator, Mark Dayton.
As Deputy to the President Rev. Allen will provide strategic advice and support to the President while coordinating with the executive team in advancing Princeton Seminary’s strategic objectives. On her appointment to this critical role, Rev. Allen says, “I am thrilled to join Princeton Theological Seminary during this defining moment in theological education. This distinctive time in history is marred with global suffering and inequity, and carriers of the gospel need compassion and critical thinking to aid in healing and facilitate material change. Princeton Seminary is uniquely poised to lead in providing an accessible and inclusive seminary education that prepares leaders for the uncertain future. I am excited about being a partner on this journey.”
President Jonathan Lee Walton notes, “Reverend Kerri Allen’s exceptional track record in project management and her expertise in integrating mission and values within a large healthcare organization uniquely position her to enrich our leadership team. Her commitment to the PC(USA) denomination, notably as Chair of the Mission Responsibility Through Investment committee and leading the denominational task force advocating for Black women and girls, further demonstrates her profound dedication to fostering inclusive and impactful communities.”
Rev. Allen takes up her position as Deputy to the President on January 15, 2024.