January Hours
Wright Library 25 Library Place, Princeton, NJ, United States8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
This short course is designed to further enrich biblical interpretation skills — specifically the work of engaging difficult texts — and bring that learning into how women as leaders address equally challenging modern contexts.
8am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
In a time of rapid social and generational change, how can Asian American Christians find resilience, purpose, and connection? The Navigating Transitions conference offers a unique opportunity to explore how faith and mental health intersect within the distinct experiences of Asian American Christians. With insights designed for ministry leaders, therapists, social workers, and all who seek holistic discipleship, this conference provides a place to engage with life’s deepest transitions—grief, growth, family dynamics, and the quest for meaning. Join us as we delve into these critical topics through theological grounding and mental health expertise, creating space for resilience and renewal along the journey of faith.
9am-5pm (no entry after 4:30pm)
2pm-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)