Once narrowly focused on the work of interim pastors, today’sArt of Transitional Ministry is designed to prepare all church leaders for the challenges of change.
In the wake of COVID-19, our communities and the world are not the same as they were a few years ago. Even the church has changed, adopting technologies and practices that we may not have considered without the impetus of the COVID-19 pandemic. In such a time as this, more than ever before, pastors require special skills and understanding, and our Transitional Ministry Education program has become a vital resource for leaders of all denominations.
The Art of Transitional Ministry is a two-part program (designated simply as “Week 1” and “Week 2”). In partnership with TMEC, the Transitional Ministry Education Consortium of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Princeton Theological Seminary is offering Week 1 and Week 2 concurrently, October 2-7, 2022.
Week 1 includes the basics of transitional leadership for all congregational pastors, regardless of their ministry setting. It is designed to share best practices for entering a congregation and community, analyzing the congregation’s strengths and growing edges, and helping them move toward a more vibrant future. From navigating change and managing conflict to discerning their own talents, fears, and limitations, participants will learn skills and build spiritual resilience for the journey of transition.
Week 2 is more experiential, addressing the needs of those currently engaged in transitional ministry. Working in small groups, participants will have an opportunity to share specific challenges and receive guidance and feedback from faculty and peers. Completion of Week 1 at a TMEC education site and current or recent service in a transitional role are required for enrollment in Week 2. Exceptions may be discussed with the faculty team leader.
Weeks 1 & 2 begin together on Sunday, October 2, 2022. Participants staying on campus may check in at Erdman Center at 3:30 p.m. Registration opens at 5:00 p.m. in the main Lounge of Mackay Campus Center where dinner will be served at 5:45 p.m. and the opening program begins at 7:00 p.m. Weekday classes end by 5:30 p.m. each day (M-Th), and we will adjourn at 12:45 p.m. on Friday, October 7. Attendance at all sessions is required to receive a Certificate of Completion.
Julie Thompson-Barrier
In 33 years of ministry, Julie Thompson-Barrier has served in a variety of roles in urban, suburban, and rural communities in the northeast (Connecticut), mid-Atlantic (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania) and southeast (South Carolina and Georgia) in congregations ranging from small to huge. She is a graduate of Miami University (Ohio) and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, with credits earned from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, New York Theological Seminary, and Union Theological Seminary.
Thompson-Barrier and her husband John Barrier live in the New York City suburb of Red Bank, New Jersey near the Jersey shore. She is the designated pastor at The Presbyterian Church on the Hill in Ocean, New Jersey. Their blended family includes five adult children, a son-in-law, and a grandchild on the way!
Barry Williams
Barry Williams’ roots are in Southwest Louisiana where he grew up learning a bit about Cajun culture and cooking, while his service to the church has primarily been in the Midwest and Central Plains. Springfield, Missouri has functioned as “home base” for Williams as he served in the region, and he recently completed his 15th interim/transitional ministry. He has been part of the Transitional Ministry Education Consortium (TMEC) faculty since 2000.
SanDawna Gaulman Ashley
SanDawna Gaulman Ashley is the Synod of the Northeast Transitional Leader. She leads the church with skills in denominational executive leadership, having served the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 1999 on four denominational levels: mid council ministry, national staff for the Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency, and a local pastor.
Gaulman Ashley serves on the faculty for three Art of Transitional Ministry Education sites and on the faculty of the Presbytery Leader Formation Program. She holds degrees from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (DMin), Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Georgia State University (Bachelor of Social Work).
Dana Sutton
Dana Sutton, a pastor and leadership coach, has lived in the Huntington, West Virginia area since 1992 (though as of this date, he and his wife are contemplating a move to North Carolina). He enjoys outdoor activities of all kinds, teaching, writing, and asking questions… lots of questions! Coffee, humor, and good beer help with at least some of those. He looks forward to his first transitional ministry teaching opportunity this fall on the heels of a hiking trip on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.
…and our “Behind the Scenes” Team Leader, Stu Ritter.
Ritter has provided transitional leadership for congregations of 275 to 1,500 members in nine presbyteries, discovering a unique set of challenges and opportunities in each setting.
A graduate of Cornell University (BA) and UNC-Chapel Hill (MA), Ritter also studied law and worked in organizational development before entering San Francisco Theological Seminary (MDiv, 1998). In his “spare time,” he has taught social research and leadership development at the University of New Hampshire, the University of Judaism, Dartmouth, and his alma mater(Cornell).
The cost of either program (Week 1 or Week 2) is $495 and includes breakfasts and lunches (M-F), daily coffee breaks, and Sunday evening dinner. Participants should plan to enjoy other evening meals (M-Th) on their own at one of the many restaurant options in downtown Princeton.
Please read the registration and cancellation policy before registering.
This program will take place at Princeton Theological Seminary’s Erdman Center, 20 Library Place, Princeton, New Jersey. Any additional location details will be noted in the schedule sent to you by email before your arrival.
Onsite lodging is available at the Erdman Center for an additional nightly fee. Information on booking a room for this event is included in the registration confirmation.
Free parking in the Seminary’s library lot is provided for participants.
Meals included in the program will be offered on site at the Erdman Center and the Mackay Campus Center on the Seminary campus.
All guests are expected to adhere to the Seminary’s current health and wellness guidelines, including being fully vaccinated and boosted, if eligible. Our health and wellness protocols regarding COVID-19 change based on the guidance of our local health departments officials and numbers of cases in our region. As a result, protocols are fluid and requirements regarding the use of face coverings, distance, and testing may change. For the latest guidelines, click here.