Entering Student FAQs - Princeton Theological Seminary

Entering Student FAQs

Housing for Entering Students

Yes, summer housing will be available to those students who begin their MTE program and master’s or PhD degree students enrolling in Summer Greek or Hebrew language courses. Other entering students will need to wait until they begin their program in September to move into Princeton Seminary housing.

We will do our best to accommodate housing preferences, and we encourage you to complete your housing application early. Housing for incoming students will be subject to availability, and those who apply late may be placed on a waiting list.

The Office of Residential Life offers three housing options: Brown Hall (a residence hall on the main campus), and apartment-style housing in Witherspoon and CRW apartments (on the Charlotte Rachel Wilson Campus).

Brown Hall is recently renovated. There are 53 single rooms with private bathrooms. All rooms are air-conditioned, carpeted, come fully furnished with a twin-size XL bed, desk, chair, nightstand, chest of drawers, bookcase, and a micro fridge. Laundry facilities and bike storage are located in the basement, a kitchen is located off the first-floor lounge, and each floor has a lounge with sofas, tables, chairs, a full-size refrigerator, and a TV.

There are one, two, three, and four-bedroom apartments available in our various apartment buildings. All apartments are unfurnished with a full kitchen and private bathroom(s). Please see the Housing page for more information on campus and building amenities.

Housing plays an important role in your seminary experience. We hope our housing options will provide you with a place to call “home.”

Residents of Brown Hall will receive lunches in the Mackay Campus Center Monday through Friday. Brown Hall residents can also buy into a dinner plan Monday through Thursday. All other meals are up to the student to acquire.

Other students can purchase lunches at the Mackay Campus Center Monday through Friday. There are no other dining options available.

We will do our best to accommodate housing requests, and we ask for your patience as we try to accommodate as many students as possible. Incoming students will hear from the Student Administrative Services Office by the end of May. At that time, we will give you all the information you need about where you will be living in the fall.

  • International Students move-in Monday, August 26th, and Tuesday, August 27th. The International Students Welcome Program will be hold on Wednesday, Aug. 28th through Friday, Aug. 30th.
  • CRW domestic students move-in on Thursday, August 29th and Friday, August 30th 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
  • Brown Hall domestic residents move-in on Friday, August 30th 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Please contact Residential Life, resdential.life@ptsem.edu with your questions and concerns about move-in dates and accomedations.

Summer Language

Each summer, we offer introductory Greek and Hebrew courses as summer intensive classes. Each summer language course is six credits, a full year of study over the span of eight weeks.

In order to register for classes, including summer language, you need to complete the enrollment steps outlined in your student portal. We recognize that there may be delays getting immunization clearances, but you must have your final transcripts and enrollment survey completed before you can register for summer language. Your immunization clearance must be complete before you arrive on campus.

Registration for summer language opens February 24. Once enrollment steps are complete, entering students interested in registering for summer language should email the Registrar at registrar@ptsem.edu, stating their interest in enrolling for either summer Greek or Hebrew.

Registration for the fall semester will be open to entering students following the June advising session where you will be provided details on courses, registration process, and next steps. You will receive an email from the Registrar with instructions about how to access the registration module and select your classes. You should complete all enrollment steps by July 1 to ensure you can register for classes before the add drop period ends on September 19th.

Summer languages and all language study at the Seminary count as elective credits. Each summer language course is six credits, a full year of study over the span of eight weeks. The course is intense, and it will require you to focus your time and energy during those eight weeks on the study of the language. You will be doing so, however, with a committed teaching team (a professor or instructor, and a PhD student teaching assistant) dedicated to helping you be successful in learning how to read the Bible in its original language. Many students who have not studied any foreign language before can learn biblical Greek and Hebrew with dedication and hard work. An important piece of advice: If you do take the summer language course, you should definitely not plan on working even a part-time job alongside the course.

The advantages of taking a summer biblical language course as an incoming student include:

  1. Ahead of the early September orientation, you will develop a close-knit relationship with a group of Princeton Seminary students as you experience together the challenges and joys of learning an ancient biblical language.
  2. Learning a foreign language requires focus and dedication. Taking a summer language course as your one object of study for eight weeks allows you to be single-minded in studying Greek or Hebrew without the distractions and demands of several other courses at the same time, as is the case during the full academic year language courses.
  3. Taking a summer language course as an incoming student will earn you six credits upfront before the fall semester, which will allow you more flexibility and space for electives during your seminary career.
  4. You will immediately be able to enroll in upper-level biblical exegesis courses that require either Greek or Hebrew beginning in your first semester.

On the other hand, an intense eight-week course is not for everyone. If your learning style favors learning in smaller increments over a longer time, then the summer intensive language course may not be a good choice for you. You may wish to consider taking your language during the academic year in the fall and spring semesters.

The summer language courses will follow a cohort model, facilitating personal connections and thorough instruction.

The 2025 Summer language courses will be offered in Online Blended modality:

  • Greek Language Course: This course will be conducted entirely online, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home. Our online platform is designed to provide interactive lessons, virtual discussions, and personalized feedback from our experienced instructors. You will also attend 90 minute daily virtual sessions of instruction and interaction with classmates and instructors.

  • Hebrew Language Course: This course will be conducted entirely online, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home. Our online platform is designed to provide interactive lessons, virtual discussions, and personalized feedback from our experienced instructors. You will also attend 90 minute daily virtual live sessions of instruction and interaction with classmates and instructors.

  • For those who choose to enroll in a summer language course, you should plan to enroll in a fall semester course in which to continue your new language skills. Consider enrolling in the one-credit OT1153 Hebrew Translation course and/or any Hebrew exegesis course with the prefix OT34XX. For Greek, the options are NT1153 Greek Translation and/or any Greek exegesis course with the prefix NT34XX.

Summer language courses are billed on a per-credit basis. For 2024, the cost per credit is $805, so the total cost of summer language is $4,830. However, the same scholarship/grant that you have for the normal academic year is also applied to the summer. Any costs left over are due at the start of the summer session (June 24).

Once you have a network account, you can view and pay your bill on the Bursar’s page of Inside PTS (our internal website).

Fall Semester Courses & Registration

Registration for entering MDiv, MACEF, MDiv/MACEF Dual, MTS, MAT and ThM students will open to entering students following the June advising session where you will be provided details on the courses, registration process, and next steps. Invitation and details for Summer Advising Sessions (3 offered – June, July, August) will be emailed. MAT and MTE students will be registered manually by the registrar’s office. You will receive an email from the Registrar with instructions about how to access the registration module and select your classes. You should plan on completing all enrollment steps so that you are able to register for classes as soon as the Advising Session is attended and the registration period opens.

Once you have a network account, you can find more information and a link to our registration module on the Registrar’s page of Inside PTS (our internal website).

Program guides are available on the Registrar’s page of the main website and you can access the Course Catalogue online. All students are assigned a faculty advisor at the end of the summer who will guide them on selecting courses that meet their degree requirements and support their vocational aim.

Registration for entering students (MDiv, MACEF, MDiv/MACEF Dual, MTS, MAT, MTE, and ThM) is currently open. Please ensure you complete all enrollment steps so you are eligible to register. Entering students should plan to attend an Advising Session which will run throughout the summer. Each session will include program specific information, recommended fall classes, overview of the registration process, and assistance with registration. All of your questions regarding course registration and your program will be answered during the session. RSVP is not required but strongly recommended.

To RSVP, please go to https://ptsem.formstack.com/forms/pts_summer_advising_session_2024.

Zoom link for all Advising Sessions (except MTE) : https://ptsem.zoom.us/j/94456637283?pwd=RS9KbzZoMzd1ekg0bmpjZWd6dGJaZz09

  • Wednesday, June 5th at 6:00pm EST (MAT)
  • Tuesday, June 18th at 2:00pm EST (MDiv, MACEF, Dual)
  • Wednesday, June 19th at 2:00pm EST (MTS, ThM)
  • Tuesday, July 23rd at 2:00pm EST (MTS, ThM)
  • Wednesday, July 24th at 2:00pm EST (MDiv, MACEF, Dual)
  • Wednesday, August 21st at 2:00pm EST (all degree programs)

If you are unable to attend an Advising Session, please email advising@ptsem.edu to connect directly with an advisor to discuss your next steps. Once you have a network account, you can find more information and a link to our registration module on the Registrar’s page of Inside PTS (our internal website).

We bill tuition, fees, housing, health insurance, etc. for the entire semester upfront, and the bill needs to be taken care of (by financial aid, monthly payment plan, or a direct payment) prior to the start of classes on September 1. Fall billing usually takes place in late July/early August, and you will receive an email from the bursar with instructions of how to view your account and pay your balance online.

Once you have a network account, you can view and pay your bill on the Bursar’s page of Inside PTS (our internal website).

The Direct Deposit information remains the same.

Yes! The Seminary encourages all students to set up Direct Deposit. Once you have a network account and can access Inside PTS, there is a form to complete so that any student account refund you receive would be by Direct Deposit. Students are encouraged to set up Direct Deposit as early as possible, and the form to do so is available at this link.

If you believe that your previous undergraduate studies would qualify you for advanced placement for any required introductory course(s) (i.e., OT2101 Orientation to Old Testament Studies and NT2101 Introduction to the New Testament, you must apply. Detailed information will be posted in the fall registration documentation, which will be available in the summer.

You may place out of introductory Greek and/or Hebrew by taking a placement exam. The Greek and Hebrew placement tests will be administered during Fall Orientation. Detailed information will be posted in the fall registration documentation, which will be available in the summer.

An admitted student who wishes to transfer credits and has completed graduate coursework in a program conducted by a school accredited by a recognized accrediting organization may apply through the office of the registrar. Transfer of credit is ordinarily reviewed in August and students are required to submit syllabi for any course that they wish to transfer from another institution. Detailed information will be posted in the fall registration documentation, which will be available in the summer.

The MDiv/MSW Dual-Degree program meeting is ordinarily scheduled during the first full week in October, where you will have an opportunity to meet with the Rutgers team as well as the PTS team to hear first-hand how the program works from start to finish.