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Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm; Friday 8:00am-1:00pm
Rev. Dr. Shannon Smythe, Director of Field Education and Vocational Placement
Rev. Touré Marshall, M.Div, ThM, Assistant Director of Field Education and Vocational Placement
Genna D’Aleandro Burke, Program Manager
Email: field-ed@ptsem.edu Phone: 609) 497-7970 Fax:
The Field Education program provides students with opportunities to serve the church of Jesus Christ and the world. The program depends on partner churches and agencies that are willing to offer themselves as laboratories where the art of ministry is considered and practiced. A set of unique partnerships develop between the student, the Seminary, the supervisor, and those at the ministry site. Partnership implies a relationship based on mutual trust fostered through two-way communication and tangible support. Partnership produces the best sites and supervision.
All sites and supervisors must meet certain criteria to be approved by the Office of Field Education and Vocational Placement.
If you are interested in becoming a field education site/supervisor, please contact our office via email at field-ed@ptsem.edu.
If you are an active site/supervisor, click here to update your site profile. If you have forgotten your username and password, please contact field-ed@ptsem.edu.