Farminary Staff
Nathan Stucky
Nathan Stucky serves as Director of the Farminary Project at Princeton Theological Seminary. He grew up on a farm in Kansas where his love for Christian faith and agriculture first took root. After earning a BA in Music from Bethel College (KS), Stucky spent six years doing ecumenical youth ministry on the eastern shore of Maryland, and two years farming back in Kansas. After farming, Stucky earned an MDiv and a PhD (Practical Theology, Christian Education and Formation) from Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarship explores questions of land, ecology, theology, agriculture, justice, joy, and Sabbath as they relate to theological education. He is the author of Wrestling with Rest: Inviting Youth to Discover the Gift of Sabbath. Ordained in the Mennonite Church (USA), Stucky engages Farminary work as integral to his calling to teaching ministry. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey, with his spouse and three children.
Larry Rogers
Larry Rogers serves as the inaugural Farm Manager at the Farminary at Princeton Theological Seminary. After growing up in a small town in North Carolina, Larry started farming during his undergraduate studies. He has been farming ever since, gaining experience in vegetable production, livestock, maple-sugaring, and permaculture at farms in North Carolina, Maryland, Washington, and Vermont. In addition to his fifteen years of farming experience, Larry also brings to PTS a Master of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School. Larry embraces his work as a kind of repentance for the stealing, killing, and destroying that too frequently permeate our world. He’s always grateful to conspire with neighbors who desire good work.