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Ethnography offers a new posture for learning from one another’s differences. In this episode, Erin Raffety draws on her work as an anthropologist, theologian, and pastor. She explores how listening well might lead to a more intimate understanding of each other and God.
The Distillery is a podcast that explores the essential ingredients of book and research projects with experts in their field of study. Learn what motivates their work and why it matters for Christian theology and ministry.
Erin Raffety is a Lecturer in Youth, Church, and Culture in the Department of Practical Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. She earned her M.Div. from Princeton Seminary and her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from Princeton University. Her book manuscript, Families We Need is based on ethnographic research in China with foster families raising children with disabilities, and her current research and writing considers intersections of anthropology, disability studies, and ministry. Raffety is a recent recipient of a Science for Youth Ministry mini-grant from the Templeton Foundation, which will support interdisciplinary and scientific exploration of disabilities in her spring 2018 course offered at PTS on “Ministry with People with Disabilities.” She serves as the Associate Pastor for Outreach and Education at Grace Presbyterian Church in Kendall Park, NJ and is an advocate for people with disabilities.
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