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In this episode, Richard R. Osmer takes us inside the findings of The Confirmation Project, a study on confirmation practices in five major North American denominations. In thinking of the purpose and practice of confirmation, Osmer discusses the greatest influences on young people’s faiths, the role of mentors, how the pedagogy in confirmation classes has shifted, and the long-term impact of experiences of authentic Christian community, such as confirmation retreats and camps, on the developing faith of young people.
The Distillery is a podcast that explores the essential ingredients of book and research projects with experts in their field of study. Learn what motivates their work and why it matters for Christian theology and ministry.
Richard Osmer is Princeton Theological Seminary’s Ralph B. and Helen S. Ashenfelter Professor of Mission and Evangelism. He holds an MDiv from Yale University and a PhD from Emory University. His interests include the teaching ministry of congregations, practical theology, and interdisciplinary thinking, and his courses cover educational psychology and practical theology, children’s literature in Christian moral education, confirmation and catechism, and the social functions of religion, ethics, and education in theories of modernity and postmodernity. An ordained Presbyterian minister, he chairs the Committee to Write New Catechisms for the Presbyterian Church (USA).
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