Recap: Reunion 2023 - Princeton Theological Seminary

Reunion 2023 was held on campus May 15-17, during which alumni networked, heard lectures and reconnected with classmates. Attendees enjoyed daily worship in the Seminary chapel including the Engle Organ concert by alumna Mina Choi. President Walton gave his Keynote Address, Tradition and Innovation: The Enduring Contours of Theological Education at Princeton Seminary, followed by a luncheon. 2023 Distinguished Alumnae, Ruth Santana-Grace and the AAEC Service Award recipient, Sabrina Slater spoke during the This is My Story address. Attendees also heard the annual Rian Lecture by Christy Lang Hearlson (PhD 16, MDiv 05), Assistant Professor of Religious and Theological Education at Villanova University. Those who attended visited the Farminary, listened to seminars by faculty and heard from global partners from the Oversees Ministries Study Center. The three day event included a Service of Remembrance and Celebration honoring alumni who recently passed away. While worship and commuion services were led by Professor Dennis Olson and Larissa Kwong Abazia. Click on the links below for pictures of the reunion festivities.