Recap: Frederick Neumann Memorial Lecture Featuring Dr. Ryan LaMothe - Princeton Theological Seminary

On Thursday, April 7, Dr. Ryan LaMothe delivered the Frederick Neumann Memorial Lecture. LaMothe is professor of pastoral care and counseling at Saint Meinard School of Theology in Rockport, Indiana. In his lecture, he examined the idea of “dwelling” with with the more-than-human world, arguing that we need to move beyond theologies of human and divine sovereignty in order to live well with the rest of creation. “A radical Christian theology of dwelling for the Anthropocene age,” said LaMothe, “is rooted in the infinite, indeterminate care of a non-sovereign, non-privileging God.”

The Neumann lectureship was established in 1984 and honors Dr. Frederick Neumann, a Jewish immigrant who converted to Christianity and served as pastor of Brooklyn’s Bushwick Avenue Congregational Church until his death in 1967.

Click below to watch or listen to LaMothe’s lecture, titled “Dwelling, Sovereignty, and Theology in the Anthropocene Age: A Proposal.”

