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Founded in 2012, the Black Theology and Leadership Institute (BTLI) is a weeklong intensive continuing education event for clergy and laity for training, worship, and fellowship. BTLI is designed to deepen faith leaders’ thinking and preaching by learning from preeminent scholars of theology and religion.
This year, BTLI fellows partnered with Princeton Seminary’s Farminary Project to explore the struggle for racial and environmental justice; to tackle the complexities and challenges of race, land, and food; and to share food stories. BTLI instructional experiences and worship were held on campus and on the 21-acre farm. Fellows and leaders also had the opportunity to make compost and harvest crops.
Please enjoy a photo gallery of the week and sermons by BTLI’s 2019 pastor/preacher-in-residence, the Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III, community organizer, social entrepreneur, and senior pastor of Pleasant Hope Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland.