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, PhD, associate professor of American Christianity, says, “History does not offer quick-and-easy solutions. But whether it is racial injustice or economic inequality, or any number of issues beyond, the challenges we face today are not new. Their roots stretch deep into the past. And if we don’t understand how we got here, we’ll struggle to find a faithful way forward.”
Carter plans to discuss Princeton Seminary and Slavery, A Report of the Historical Audit Committee, in his classes.
, MDiv ’07, ThM ’08, PhD, is assistant professor of pastoral theology. With research and teaching interests ranging from black manhood and the black church to Hegelianism to pastoral care, Hinds will teach Care of Self and Care of Congregation, a general introduction to pastoral theology, The Minister and Spiritual Diagnosis, Intercultural Pastoral Care, which will explore non-Western forms of spiritual care, including communal forms, and Transformation of Shame and Transformation of Self.
, MDiv ’07, ThM ’08, PhD ’13, associate professor of Old Testament, is a scholar of Song of Songs and a lover of the outdoors. This fall, James will co-teach Orientation to Old Testament Studies with Dennis Olson, professor of Old Testament. She will also teach a course on the exegesis of Song of Songs
which will put contemporary ecological questions and concerns at its center.