Conversation with Dr. Keri L. Day - Princeton Theological Seminary

Dr. Keri L. Day joined the Princeton Seminary faculty in the fall of 2017 as Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and African American Religion. With research and teaching interests in constructive theology, feminist studies, and global economics, Dr. Day uses a wide range of methodological approaches in her work. Recently we sat down with Dr. Day to talk about her perspective on theology and her aim to fashion beloved communities.

Q: How does your academic work speak to the contemporary world?

A: My work helps religious and political leaders see how economic and political injustices deeply affect people of color around the world. It invites churches to see that the heart of the gospel is responding to such injustices with a liberating word of hope.

Q: Why is it important for current and future church leaders to study womanist and feminist theology?
A: Womanist and feminist theology remain central not only to exploring the question of race and gender within theological construction, but also to unearthing different and often marginalized theological epistemologies and practices that are oriented toward justice, love, and flourishing.

Conversations about racial, gender, and class justice need to be privileged within the life of churches if churches are to truly minister and be in solidarity with vulnerable and oppressed populations. Womanist and feminist traditions remain indispensable, inviting church leaders to embody a prophetic critique of our current political moment characterized by virulent racist, sexist, and xenophobic rhetoric and policy.

Theology is ultimately about the work of fashioning beloved communities. To love God means to love your neighbor. Nothing more, nothing less.

Q: What unique perspective do you bring to Princeton Theological Seminary?
A: I invite students to always remember that thinking theologically is about thinking at the margins of society. As a black woman who comes from a Pentecostal tradition, I am hopeful that my social location and identity will help students see the importance of diversity in the community and in its dialogue about God.

Q: What is one thing you hope your students will take away from your classes?
A: That theology is ultimately about the work of fashioning beloved communities. To love God means to love your neighbor. Nothing more, nothing less.