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Earlier this year, a group of students traveled from Princeton Theological Seminary with Professor Gordon Mikoski to Israel-Palestine as part of the travel course, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Israel/Palestine. Students visited historic sites and learned about the historical convergence and conflict among the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Students walked through ancient sites and experienced them not only as travelers, but as scholars.
“The opportunity, not only to see different sites in the Holy Land, but also to interact with people and hear their personal stories—that was the most impactful thing for me. As someone who wants to become a chaplain, I appreciated learning about the richness of other religious traditions that we studied, especially Judaism and Islam, to care for other people, care for creation, and to peacefully resist injustice.”
—Taylor Austin ’18 MDiv, MACEF
“Without a doubt, the best education we get is being amongst the people and out with the masses to apply what we’ve learned and adapt what we’ve learned. When I signed up for the trip to Israel-Palestine, I had no idea what I was in store for, but the amount of information that we received, for the time that we were there, I’m still processing it and applying it.”
—Richard Anderson ’18 MDiv