Dean White Named Distinguished Alum by Pittsburgh Seminary - Princeton Theological Seminary

This month, John White, Princeton Seminary’s dean of student life and vice president for student relations, is being honored by his alma mater, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

“John is receiving the Distinguished Alumnus award for specialized ministry,” said Rev. Carolyn Cranston, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary director of alumnae/i and church relations.

“The Distinguished Alumna/us award is the most prestigious award given to an alum of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.”

Cranston says the award is given to alums with “outstanding knowledge of their area of expertise and have modeled Christ-like lives in their service and love of God’s people.”

Born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, White graduated from nearby Geneva College and began his ministry in western Pennsylvania. He received MDiv and DMin degrees from Pittsburgh Seminary. While a master’s student, he served as the seminary’s director of admissions and student relations. Eighteen years after graduating from Pittsburg Seminary, he became the dean of students and, later, vice president serving for a combined 12 years there. Having been ordained as a minister of word and sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA), White also ministered as pastor of Trinity PC in St. Petersburg, Florida, and then as pastor of Witherspoon Street PC in Princeton, New Jersey.

White’s prestigious career in higher education leadership continued in 2005 when he joined Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia as dean of students and vice president of student relations. In 2013, he became Princeton Theological Seminary’s vice president for student relations and dean of student life, his current position.