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In this episode, Lisa Bowens delves deep into 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 and explores its different interpretations. What can we make of Paul’s ascent to the third heaven? What is Paul’s “thorn in the flesh?” Giving context in both breadth and depth, Bowens elaborates on how this passage is a commentary by Paul to the Corinthian congregation about the larger cosmic conflict taking place in their midst.
The Distillery is a podcast that explores the essential ingredients of book and research projects with experts in their field of study. Learn what motivates their work and why it matters for Christian theology and ministry.
Lisa Marie Bowens, Assistant Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, earned a BS (cum laude), MSBE and MLIS from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and an MTS and ThM from Duke Divinity School. She received her PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary and her recently published book, An Apostle in Battle: Paul and Spiritual Warfare in 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, is a revision of her dissertation. Her research interests include Paul and apocalyptic, Pauline anthropology, Pauline epistemology, aspects of discipleship in the gospels, African American Pauline Hermeneutics, and New Testament exegesis and interpretation. She is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature and a past Fund for Theological Education fellow. She is also Editor of the Oxford Online Bible and Race Project, member of the editorial team for the Bulletin for Biblical Research Journal, and co-chair of the Ethics and Biblical Interpretation Group (SBL). Some of her current courses are Introduction to New Testament Greek, Greek Exegesis of 2 Corinthians, African American Pauline Hermeneutics, Introduction to New Testament Exegesis, and Church Planting and Revitalization (co-taught with Rick Osmer and Darrell Guder).
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