​Princeton Seminary Receives NEH Grant to Translate Renowned Theologian's Works into English - Princeton Theological Seminary

The Center for Barth Studies (CBS) at Princeton Theological Seminary recently received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to translate into English three volumes from

The Lectures and Shorter Works of Karl Barth, 1905-1921,

which was originally written in German.

Through the NEH’s Scholarly Editions and Translations Grant, $300,000 will be dispersed to the Seminary over the next three years.

“We are appreciative of this funding which will make these selections from Barth’s Collected Works available for the first time to English-speaking theologians, clergy, scholars and students training for ministry,” said Kait Dugan, curator for the Barth Collection at CBS. Westminster John Knox Press is expected to publish all three volumes.

The translation project will be led by The Barth Translators’ Seminar, a program where translators from around the world meet at the Seminary’s campus with the purpose of fostering the English-language reception of Barth’s literary corpus.

“We are delighted to offer what will be a rich primary source of information for many,” said Dugan. “Karl Barth is arguably the most significant Christian thinker of the 20th century.”

Barth is noted for the broad-ranging social and political impact of his theological writings, especially as a leading voice of dissent against Germany’s involvement in World War I and the rise of Nazism.