Recap: 2019 Annual Karl Barth Conference - Princeton Theological Seminary

The 2019 Annual Karl Barth Conference was hosted by the Center for Barth Studies from June 16-19 on the campus of Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. Fifty years from Barth’s own death and on the centenary of the publication of the Römerbrief, the conference took as its theme, “The Finality of the Gospel: Karl Barth and the Tasks of Eschatology”. The central purpose was to consider how fresh encounters with various aspects of Karl Barth’s dogmatic theology and biblical exegesis might stimulate, inform, shape, and challenge contemporary reflection on the range of eschatological themes in Christian theology. Plenary papers from leading theologians and biblical scholars from North America and Europe were supplemented by the contributions of other scholars offered in two concurrent sessions during the conference.


Watch lectures from the event on the 2019 Annual Karl Barth Conference playlist on YouTube.
